Hi, my name is Rene Brooks. I am currently a sophomore studying in Olin Business School, and I am considering majoring in either Finance or Entrepreneurship. I intend to graduate in May 2024. I am also a part of a program hosted by the Skandalaris Center called the St. Louis Entrepreneurial Fellowship. As a St. Louis Entrepreneurial Fellow, I have been given the opportunity to intern as a startup in St. Louis. I am currently interning with Avocado Leaf Tea Co. Avocado Leaf Tea Co (Avocado Tea). is a St. Louis startup that sells avocado leaf tea. Avocado Tea has a variety of tea blends that are made from avocado leaves rather than traditional tea leaves. As an intern at Avocado Tea, I work in client retention. This means that I work to keep people buying our products. Specifically, I use platforms such as Shopify to monitor how products sell well. Additionally, I also create content for Avocado Tea’s social media platforms. This content includes social media and blog posts, as well as info graphics for each post.
While I have only been on my internship for 3 weeks, I have been very active with the work I do. I am very proud of the things I have accomplished in this short time. My biggest accomplishment is a blog post I wrote about making tea a good habit. I was not entirely sure about how to write a blog post when I got the assignment, so I was nervous to write this post. I used other blogs as examples and wrote mine based on those. I ended with a well written blog post that helped me prepare to write this one!
I also have learned many skills associated with social media posts. Before working with Avocado Tea, I had not worked with social media development sites such as Canva and Ripple. Now, I use them daily to create Instagram posts and info graphics for my blog posts.
From the skills I have learned and the projects I have accomplished throughout in my short time interning with Avocado Tea, I have learned many things about being an entrepreneur. One thing I’ve learned is that there is much freedom in being an entrepreneur. During my internship, rather than work set hours from 9am to 5pm, I can choose when I finish the tasks that I am assigned. As an entrepreneur this freedom only increases as there is no boss or work schedule to follow. Another thing I learned about being an entrepreneur is that while one person may start the business, it takes many people to keep the business running. As an entrepreneur, it is important to ask for help and look for resources to sustain the business. This, I have learned, is an important lesson that I will take not only in entrepreneurship, but in life as well.