Just one week ago, we hosted our first ever Delmar Loop Social Impact Hackathon in partnership with our friends at the Delmar Loop Innovation Neighborhood (run by Joe Wojtal, BS ’86, and David Sandel, BSEE ’84). From April 22-24, students and community members merged their creative minds to build ideas that spur socio-economic and social change in the Delmar Loop. Teams walked away with a combined $2,225 in cash awards for their ideas.
We’re excited to introduce the teams and their ideas!

Team GigaHub, 1st Place winners
GigaHub is crossing the Delmar Digital Divide by providing free internet access and free computers to every household that does not have access to the internet.
Team members:
- Darshit Mehta
- Jonathan Gross
- David Ayeke
- Stephen Foster
The Feedback Loop

Team Feedback Loop, 2nd Place Winners
The Feedback Loop (TFL) is a digital media production studio that allows artists north of Delmar and WashU students south of Delmar to help Loop businesses grow via co-created transmedia marketing campaigns that attract rising generations of new customers. TFL aims to invest in talent, develop skills, and provide access to technologies, as well as produce inclusive Loop events that proclaim, “This is Delmar.”
Team members:
- Alice Layton
- Joseph Laurine
- Johnny Heo
- Kamy McCall
For {Loop}

Team For {Loop}, 3rd Place Winners
For {Loop} is a non-profit incubator with the purpose of bridging the economic divide across Delmar Boulevard by encouraging investment in businesses led by underprivileged entrepreneurs. They accomplish this through their pop-up shop program, where they provide vacant lots on Delmar to entrepreneurs in the hopes that they gain experience and confidence in the development of their own business skills.
Team members:
- Victoria Chen
- Alan Soetikno
- Kristan Koyanagi
- Shung (Chad) Chai
The teams did a fantastic job putting together thorough presentations in just 48 hours. Even better? Some teams are currently working out ways to see their ideas come to fruition! We will post updates as they progress! In the meantime, we are proud of what these teams conjured in such little time, and we can’t wait to host another Social Impact Hackathon next year!
Big shoutout to all our sponsors whom, without which, we could not have pulled off this event:
- Cisco
- Packet Clearing House
- Doors to Explore
- Innovation Neighborhoods
- Create Space
- The Princeton Review
- Which Wich
- HSB Tobacconist