Hi, My name is Brendan Bhambri and I am currently a rising Sophomore at Wash U. I am studying Computer Science and Business in the joint degree program. I joined the Skandalaris internship program in hopes of finding a firm that I felt connected to in both professional aspects and personal. When I talked to the people at Readout, I could feel their excitement in talking about their product and it made me excited too. They created a device that allows users to track their ketone levels without pricking their fingers multiple times a day. This allows those with diabetes to non-invasively check their health as well as average people to track their ketone levels to identify what foods/activities are putting them into ketosis (when your body burns fat instead of glucose). This is perfect for anyone who wants to lose weight but doesn’t necessarily want to go on a strict diet, or maybe they just don’t know what diet to go on. With Biosense, they can try healthy options and use the device to see which diet puts them into ketosis. In the time I have been with Readout I have learned countless new things. I played many sports in high school and have been extremely active my whole life, so the field of dieting and worrying about health was extremely new to me. I instantly had to understand a new market and the forces that drive it. I learned how to actually force your body to burn fat and lose weight fast. I learned that the healthcare industry is slowly but surely turning to technology to advance every aspect. I have spent a lot of time researching different companies in the space as well as compiling a nationwide database of doctors and clinics. This is my first time interning at a company, and it is so amazing to watch the way that a startup talks through problems that arise, brainstorms new ways to create revenue, and advances the product all while keeping customers happy. I have enjoyed every aspect of this experience; I have been lucky enough to work on the financial side of the business, the marketing side, and the product development side to truly understand the product and company as a whole.
I loved researching this brand new topic because it allowed me to see how entering into any field is possible no matter how much previous knowledge I have on the subject. In working with a small team of 8 employees I can happily say I got hands-on experience with each person and learned new things every single day. Even though my experience was remote, the team made sure I was involved and helped out in any way that I needed. Although I wish I could have been fully involved in the office, I feel like I got a lot out of my experience with Readout. In only a matter of weeks, I was advising my family on how to eat healthier and constantly talking to them about the things I’ve been learning to the point they had to tell me to stop talking. I now feel excited to watch Readout and their product, Biosense, grow and grow because I know it will.