PhD Citation in Entrepreneurship
PhD students who are interested in developing skills and experiences in entrepreneurship and innovation can apply for an Entrepreneurship Citation. Any Washington University in St. Louis, degree-seeking PhD student is eligible. PhD students must acquire approval from their Dissertation Adviser. Once approved, students must fill out and track points using the registration form.
The Entrepreneurship Citation has three main objectives:
- Provide entrepreneurial training and experience
- Spark interdisciplinary collaborations for fostering innovation
- Enhance future career opportunities
- Citation listed on transcript
- Build skills and language to use in your job search, whether academic or industry
- Facilitate networking on and off campus
PhD students interested in earning an Entrepreneurship Citation must successfully obtain at least 10 points, accumulated through entrepreneurship training and experience; obtain at least three formal written references from their entrepreneurial experiences; and submit a written self-evaluation.
- Entrepreneurial Training – develop an innovation-seeking perspective and identify entrepreneurial opportunities; training also provides the opportunity to collaborate across disciplines. Students must earn maximum of 4 points in this category, at least 2 of which must be from the Curriculum category. Options: Students earn 2 points per academic course and 1/4 point for each non-credit workshop they attend.
- Entrepreneurial Experiences – develop an innovative mindset and achieve self-efficacy; expand communication and collaborative abilities across disciplines; increase adaptability and comfort level with uncertainty; identify strengths, motivations, and career aspirations. Students must earn a minimum of 6 points from this category, at least 3 of which must be earned from the Advanced category. Options: Students earn 1 point for each “basic” experience and 2-3 points for each “advanced” as described below.
- Written References – enrich experiential learning opportunities by obtaining, receiving and applying constructive feedback. Students must request three references from faculty advisor, club officer, competition judge, project supervisor, professor, client, or mentor from student entrepreneurial experiences, at least one must be from an Advanced Experience
- Written Self-evaluation – reflect on the combination of education, training and experiences in entrepreneurship and student overview of cumulative experiences
Entrepreneurial Training
Approved Curriculum earn 2 points each
- Biotech Industry Innovators/Basics of Bio-Entrepreneurship. Offered most springs, using the course numbers listed here.
- Business Planning for New Enterprises (The Hatchery)
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Introduction to Entrepreneurship
- CELect
- E4B Course through the Med School
- Any university course on entrepreneurship, with approval from Skandalaris Center
Approved Workshops earn ¼ point each
- Bioentrepreneurship Core (BEC) Seminars
- Office of Technology Management Seminars or Classes
- Any Skandalaris workshops or training series
- Professional Development Program Seminars (DBBS, CRCT, etc.)
- Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS) Evidence-Based Entrepreneurship Series
- Any training series not listed may be approved by Erin Mitchener by sending the information and any syllabus/curriculum information
Entrepreneurial Experiences
Approved Basic Experiences earn 1 point each
- Win an IdeaBounce®
- Finish in top 50% of external entrepreneurship competition
- Participate in entrepreneurship project (i.e. through Sling Health, The BALSA Group, etc.)
Approved Advanced Experiences earn 2-3 points each
- Final Presentation Stage of any Skandalaris-sponsored competition(Commercial, Social, LEAP, GIA, etc.) – 2 points
- Manage entrepreneurship project (through BALSA or Sling Health, etc.) – 2 points
- Research project on entrepreneurship and present at Graduate Research Symposium. – 2 points
- Place in an EXTERNAL Competition (for updated, national competitions, join the WUSTL Innovators Facebook page) – 2 points
- Complete the Pivot 314 Fellowship – 3 points
- Complete two semesters of service on the leadership team of an entrepreneurship organization approved by the Entrepreneurship Citation Committee (Sling Health, BALSA, BEC, etc.) – 3 points
- Launch and run your own venture while in your PhD program – 3 points
Track and submit your experiences using the registration form and submit the completed form to Mai Le: