Skandalaris Center

The background image for the website. It is a multi colored mosaic.

Announcing the 2016 SEIC and SC Cup Winners!

The Skandalaris Center for Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship hosted two separate business plan competitions this semester: The Skandalaris Center Cup (SC Cup) and The Social Enterprise and Innovation Competition (SEIC). The awards presentation for each of these competitions was combined...


Spring Boeing Patent Challenge Finals

We’re always impressed by the ideas brought forth by students at Washington University in St. Louis, and this semester’s Boeing Patent Challenge participants are no exception. Six teams participated in the Boeing Patent Challenge finals on April 25th, and four teams...


We Hacked The Loop!

Just one week ago, we hosted our first ever Delmar Loop Social Impact Hackathon in partnership with our friends at the Delmar Loop Innovation Neighborhood (run by Joe Wojtal, BS ’86, and David Sandel, BSEE ’84). From April 22-24, students and community members...


Visiting VC drops the mic: ‘Looking for the remarkable’

We teamed up with student organizations, WUTE and Y’s Thoughts, to bring Arteen Arabshahi to campus April 20th-21st. His stay was a part of a venture capital series that the aforementioned student groups hosted throughout this semester, titled WUTE.VC. Arteen...


Bigger things ahead for past Boeing Patent Challenge winners

What do you get when you cross a WashU law student, architecture student, medical student, and physics student? An Arch Grant finalist team. Chris Weber, Fei Xie, Michael Wong, and Maneesh Jey make up the founding team for SpectraServe, a...