Skandalaris Center

The background image for the website. It is a multi colored mosaic.

Get to Know the 2016 GIA Finalists: The Women’s Bakery

We’re about a month away from the final event for the Global Impact Award, our business plan competition that awards up to $50,000 to impactful, scalable, and sustainable Washington University in St. Louis ventures. As the final event inches closer,...


Countdown to GIA

In exactly one month, a new Global Impact Award recipient will be named. Finalist teams have been hard at work all summer as they prepare their deliverables for the final event. Over the next few weeks, we will be profiling...


GiftAMeal reaches 1,000 meals with Applebee’s!

St. Louis Applebee’s Locations Reach 1,000 Meals Provided to the Local Community on the GiftAMeal App On May 16th, 31 Greater St. Louis Applebee’s locations joined the GiftAMeal program. In just 7 weeks, over 1,000 meals have been provided to...


Time for the Next Bear Cub Cycle! Info Session Dates Announced

We’re excited to kick off our next cycle of the Bear Cub Challenge! We had an incredible last round with some fantastic technologies (see the winners here). Can’t wait to see what this round brings! There will be three info...


Six finalists will compete for the $50,000 Global Impact Award

Applications have closed for the 3rd annual Global Impact Award (GIA). Out of 34 applications from across the globe, six finalists were selected last week. The finalists will compete for an award of up to $50,000 in the final event in...