Skandalaris Center

The background image for the website. It is a multi colored mosaic.

Gearing Up for Olin Cup

Wednesday, January 14, 2015 is an important day. It is the day the Olin Cup finalists will present their ideas to an esteemed panel of judges.  Finalists will have 10 minutes for their presentation which is then followed by 10...


St. Louis Dancing Classrooms

In January 2010, Lauren Wilmore (BSBA 2006) delivered the elevator pitch that eventually helped St. Louis Dancing Classrooms win the $30,000 Incarnate Word award in that year’s YouthBridge Social Enterprise and Innovation Competition. She began: “St. Louis Dancing Classrooms is...


Quartzy – “The free and easy way to manage your lab”

Adam Regelmann has conducted academic research in fields such as chemistry, microbiology and molecular immunology since the time he was in high school. He received his M.D. and Ph.D. degrees from Columbia University and came to St. Louis to complete...


Janji – “Running on Water”

The organization then known as Edele entered the YouthBridge Social Enterprise and Innovation Competition in January, 2011. The mission of this student-started venture is to combat malnutrition through running. Janji makes running apparel modeled after a country’s flag, and sale...


Yurbuds – “Made to Move Just Like You”

In October, 2008, as an Olin Business School Executive MBA student, Seth Burgett  entered the Olin Cup with his venture, known then as Verto Medical Solutions. Seth is an active triathlete and his earphones were painful and often fell out...