Skandalaris Center

The background image for the website. It is a multi colored mosaic.
Taylor Avenue Building

LEAP workshops at New Skandalaris Center Facility on the Med Campus

The Skandalaris Center for Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship has a new facility on the Washington University Medical Campus. The new space, located in the Taylor Avenue Building, will be used for meetings and events to more conveniently serve Medical School...


Now Accepting Applications for the 2017 Global Impact Award

Applications are now open for the 2017 Global Impact Award (GIA), Washington University’s business plan competition for ventures that are scalable, sustainable, and quick-to-market with proof of concept and a broad impact. Established in 2013, the competition is facilitated by...


Bear Cub Challenge rebrands as LEAP, awards $250K to WashU teams

After fourteen years as the “Bear Cub Challenge,” Washington University in St. Louis’ competition for inventors has received a new name: the LEAP Inventor Challenge (Leadership in Entrepreneurial Acceleration Program). The competition is open to all faculty, postdoc, staff and graduate...


Moving on Up: The Skandalaris Center is #10

The Skandalaris Center is excited and honored to be included in the nation’s Top 25 Undergraduate and Graduate Programs for Entrepreneurship in 2017, presented in partnership by Entrepreneur Magazine and The Princeton Review.  Up from #18 last year, the Skandalaris...


Spotlight: Israeli Summer Business Academy

Guest post by Claire Chen With the most startups per capita and total funding worth $3.58 billion in 2015, Israel is one of the hottest entrepreneurial hubs in the modern world. WashU’s Israel Summer Business Academy (ISBA) allows students the...